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Women's Health
Our Women’s Health Physiotherapists are passionate about treating women. We offer Women’s Health physiotherapy appointments in Wagga Wagga, Tumut Gundagai and Narrandera.
You can make a physiotherapy appointment in any of our clinics, or online via the button below.
How Synergy Can Help
Antenatal and Postnatal Care
- Antenatal and postnatal care
- Birth preparation
- Perineal release
- Abdominal care
- Abdominal separation
- Return to exercise advice postnatally
- Mums and Bubs Pilates
- Pregnancy Matwork Classes
- Reformer and Matwork Mums and Bubs Classes
Bladder & Bowel Dysfunction
- Bladder and bowel dysfunction
- Urinary incontinence
- Faecal incontinence
- Overactive bladder
Pelvic Health
- Pelvic girdle pain
- Pelvic floor retraining
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Pessary fitting and management for prolapse
Born Ready Birth Course
Born Ready is a birth preparation course designed for women and their birth partners. Born Ready is based on factual, scientific information to empower you with the thorough knowledge you need to decide on the birth that is best for you.
At Synergy Healthworks we facilitate the practical component of the course. Click here to find out more.
Other Services
- Post gynaecological and abdominal surgery
- Perineal tears
- Dyspareunia
- Therapeutic ultrasound for mastitis