Whether you’re experiencing it now or have in the past, you know how painful and frustrating ingrown toenails can be. But fear not! There are options for relief, and today we’re exploring the differences between conservative and surgical care.
Conservative Care: If caught early and not too severe, ingrown toenails can often be managed with conservative measures. These might include:
- Proper trimming: Trim your toenails straight across to prevent them from growing into the skin.
- Wearing comfortable shoes: Opt for shoes with a wider toe box to reduce pressure on the toes.
- Using over-the-counter treatments: There are various products available to soften the skin around the ingrown nail, reduce inflammation and prevent infection.
Surgical Care: For more severe cases or chronic ingrown nails, surgical intervention may be necessary. This can involve:
- Partial Nail Avulsion: The portion of the nail causing the problem is removed under local anaesthesia.
- Total Nail Avulsion: In extreme cases, the entire nail may need to be removed to allow for proper healing.
- Chemical Matrixectomy: This procedure involves applying a chemical to the nail matrix to prevent regrowth of the ingrown portion.
It’s essential to consult with a Podiatrist or GP to determine the best course of action for your specific situation, they will assess the severity of your ingrown nail and recommend the most appropriate treatment option.
Remember, ignoring ingrown nails can lead to infection and further complications, so don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it!